It must be because hes lying about winning the medal, Sterner would reply. Theres a nervous energy in the air, like the first day of summer camp. ``If he had, we could have settled this just between us. Scroll down and click "Fake Navy SEALs," highlight the button marked $20 and then click "Order Now. a 'Mom and Pop' operation here and I have no time, nor desire, to keep I just spoke to him after I was sent the pictures and he claimed his military records were sealed from the classified nature of his work in Vietnam as a Navy SEAL. ``He told me, `Surviving that was the easy part. THERE ARE NO CLASSIFIED NAVY SEALS. Looking closely, there WAS a listing for a Cornelius Smit, though, and I saved myself a punch in the face by Neil AKA Cornelius who was in fact a SEAL. Number 31-1728910 The Navy SEAL Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt, national non profit charitable foundation. Bombing of Cambodia halted 14Aug73 (Ending all operations in Stolen Valor! Virginia Beach, VA 23459 The man claimed his North Vietnamese captors nailed him to a tree, then tossed him into a ditch and left him for dead. 2023 NAVY SEAL Foundation. Nolan even persuaded one investor to pony up $30,000 when he told her about his covert activities, then presented her with papers that showed he had been honorably discharged. I thought he might be canceling on me. // ]]> This article appears in our September 2015 issue of Washingtonian. . He told a girlfriend ``he had been involved in covert operations and knew how to make bombs.''. And what would he say to an imposter if he came face to face with one? The time and investigative costs involved that used to be very minor have now increased significantly. Training Classes that were 16-weeks long, 18-weeks long, 26-weeks long and everything in between. Naval Special Warfare, Underwater Demolition and modern day SEAL Teams, have always welcomed any man of any race into our ranks as long as that man could do the job, Anyone needing a Navy SEAL claim verified should send a good spelling of that persons name to I was starstruck when I first saw him, I hear one of the Extreme SEAL students say. I waited almost three weeks for heavily redacted documents confirming Shipleys military service to arrive. Schantag said complaints mushroomed from two in 1997 to 7,000 last year. I don't know. Then Shipley calls my name, tells me to step out and face the group. (Note: At least one served Within minutes, were all face-down in the dirt for push-ups, the first conditioning of the day. In his spare time, he is known as the hunter of poser SEALs around the country. Many who are not aware of these events and knowing the fall of Vietnam You are totally dedicated to the truth and the facts. When its 3 in the morning and I cant sleep, I just throw on his videos, one after another., Earlier in the day, Shipley ranted about the phony SEALs hed just busted. I start to fantasize that if we finish on time, well get to take the rest of the night easy. People are shoved and slapped. This is a true story: I was in a bar one time a few years ago and some yahoo was going on and on about his exploits as a SEAL. He orders me to lead the final exercise: push-ups. When Moeller spoke of his SEAL duties, he was always vague about dates and tours of duty, they said. The "SEAL Database" is an alphabetical listing of EVERY man who ever graduated any form of training for Navy Combat Demolition Units, Underwater Demolition Teams, Scouts and Raiders and SEAL Training and dates back to 1943 at our inception during WWII. Until the brakes squeal to a stop and someone yells, Everybody out!. Recipient of meritorious decorations, which he displayed on a wall in his apartment. So instead of speakerphone, Shipley now confronts his targets in person, cameramen in tow. Thats why I get so worked up about these phonies, he said, cause they wreck all that shit.. But it always came back to the phonies. Others dont follow that same code. We then proceeded to beat up all his friends from the U.S.S Paint Me Daily for good measure. I REPEAT MAKE the Payment THEN send an email to [email protected] with the guy you want verified. Navy Seal Wall Of Shame List. 05/30/2017 by hombrerana1221. I havent run a mile since high-school gym class or done push-ups for even longer. Mission accomplished. Who Will End Up Buying the Washington Commanders? If Stern sent a copy of that letter to Lt. Col. Howard V. Lee in Virginia Beach, it apparently did not arrive. Berets who fought in Nam, than anywhere elseeven in Nam at CCN and FOB 1!!! Weaver 13. A middle name or a middle initial also helps but is not often necessary 2. MACV disbanded 29Mar73 (When the last man boarded the Aircraft and it You heard crazy stories and hushed shit about it. A grateful bump for B.G. Like rubbernecking past a car crash, I couldnt tear myself away. . He trails off. Our campfire is struggling when Shipley and his wife and YouTube costar, Diane, speed over in a golf cart for a little ribbing before bed. Rev. (First and Last name, a close age, a current or Number One was I was a Navy SEAL., Another old way of verifying SEAL Phonies, that never worked very well, was asking them who their Swim Buddy was in BUD/S. He wanted people to know the phrase phony Navy SEAL., The guys that are no longer with us and cant stand up to defend their honorIm gonna fing defend it for you, he says. I cant really remember what a good push-up looks like, but I know whatever Im doing isnt it. He is originally from Bayamon, Puerto Rico and appears Continue reading, Category: Combat veteran, Stolen Valor, US Navy Posers & Embellish-ers, US Navy SEAL - Poser Older guys, foreign guys, people who had no intention of actually joining up. Shipley has a database listing every person who has ever survived the class. Russell lists more than 400 fakes--mostly Vietnam War impersonators revealed in recent years. My son wanted to come here for vacation instead. He nods to his 19-year-old kid, Jake, whos on the other side of me goading his dad into falling first. The database contains the names of the more than 9,700 men who have served as SEALs and is updated with each graduating Basic Underwater Demolition/SEALs class. A highly-decorated fake SEAL Team 6 commander who served in Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and top secret "black ops" inside Iran in 2009 has outed Don Shipley as a real Navy SEAL, sources confirmed today. He knows whos lying. Charging separates the important requests from unimportant ones and considerably reduces the workload. Anyone in the know would fall over when someone would claim BUD/S Class Alpha 18, Special SEAL Tactics, Unit Battalion, Section Charlie, knowing that SEAL Training Classes are numbered ZERO and up Many others would not, and those numbers and Military Jargon would lead to an apology by the questioner for inquiring about the persons (Phonys) Navy SEAL background in the first place. Do you know Mr. Ashman? ``I had some students that were very, very marginal,'' Ashman said. He got off the Rook on 20 July 1953 and was discharged. Im sorry it has come down to charging folks for this information, but I have a family and run a business training young men who aspire to become SEALs. With the proliferation of bogus UFO and military. At 50-years old, Im not as fast with my fists as I used to be, but Im lethal with a keyboard and anyone who attempts to steal the Honor of SEAL Team has their hands full with me. These names are on this rock because these people conducted themselves in a way that did not bring glory to the teams. A Guide to Potential Owners. became a member of the Special Operations Association before being exposed Extreme SEAL Experience Privacy Policy: We're The guys hair is long like a California surfershe wants to know if he can wear a swim cap tomorrow during Hell Night. The dicks in the mud instructor from earlier fires a frigid hose at us as we do push-ups on hard gravel. And I didnt even puke. They wore pantyhose beneath their camo to ward off leeches and painted their faces swamp green, their amphibious stealth so fearsome that the Vietcong told ghost stories of the devils with green faces.. Evacuated as many as we could, cleared out the dead, tried to keep the ship afloat. Densmore claimed an illustrious military history, including three Purple Hearts. SFGA/MACVSOG/Vietnam/Cambodia/Laos after one of these dates noted below. The most outrageous outings end up as videos. Until this point, I tried to protect my face from the sludge as we churned through it. ), The John Kerry's & John Murtha's Fruit Loop Kids, (You be the Judge, various communications I would never do anything to disgrace my family, my country or my God. LAFAYETT SOA GL 2268-wannabe (This guy actually Last weekend, Everette posted Moeller's name on his Internet site's ``Hall of Shame'' for allegedly making false claims that he was a Medal of Honor recipient. 16.00. and myself. One lives under the bunkhouse., At 54, Shipley is boisterous and vulgar and doesnt take any shit. 27. These are scumbags identified by SOA or friendly, identifiable allies who help Mine will plant a pretend bomb. Lately, Shipley tells me, the work has become more taxing. responds to with personal information is considered private between them I start skimming the fine print. You have a far greater chance of meeting a former NFL football player than you have of ever encountering a real Navy SEAL. story. Some returna member of my class was on his fourth tour. Jim Moats lied to his own church members and the media, Many believe its not possible to verify if someone was ever a Navy SEAL due to the secretive nature of their work. But Schantag, a former Marine, cares little about the psychological makeup of fake military heroes. One fax I was told to send vanished into the bureaucratic ether. Dirty Name 11. July 29, 1967 while on the deck and in his plane on the carrier U. An enterprising detective persuaded Stern to pose for a photo while wearing the medal. Shipley hawks his camp as the closest civilians will ever get to authentic SEAL life. Would-be SEALs might think they could hide behind the units code of silence and the classified nature of its work, but because Shipley has decades worth of names and BUD/S class numbers18,000 and countinghe can take down a phony almost instantly. Looking me right in the eyes he quietly muttered the words SEAL Team SIX.. We mourn the loss of each and honor them and their families for their sacrifice. Shipleys fake-SEAL policing started six years ago, when a former Marine wanted to donate two sniper rifles to Shipleys camp. That is, until I hear Shipley shout, Log PT!. (Just as well, because during the prisoner-handling lesson, I was more likely to find myself being handled.). In 1998, Sterner began compiling a public database of Medal of Honor winners. Nationwide, pretenders to military glory have included a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian, private investigators, judges, a school superintendent, politicians and political aspirants, actor Brian Dennehy, police officers, the operators of a Vietnam veterans museum, a Veterans of Foreign Wars post commander, preachers, janitors, murderers, even a transvestite. Its not like you dunk your head in the mud once during Hide the Trainee and youre done. Likely nothing more than a brisk paddle to real SEALs, who learn how to glide like a fish with a combat sidestroke that can keep them alive over miles-long littoral treks. Click-->CHECKING The database is maintained by the Colorado-based Naval Special Warfare Archives, a group of former SEALs who expose men who falsely claim to be current or former members of the commando unit. Win one challenge and you get to sit another out. Shipley strides out from the tree line with an enormous ladder balanced on one shoulder and climbs onto a boat the color of gunmetal. '', No record of service The Ohio license plate read ``SKIP M.'' Smaller letters at the bottom spelled ``NAVY SEAL.''. non-serving) Navy SEALs scattered among our nations population of 313+MILLION. (When I asked an FBI representative how many Stolen Valor cases it has worked, I was told the numbers are not readily available.). Of those 17,600 men, roughly 10,000 (or fewer) are still living, and approximately 2,400 of those living members are currently serving on active duty. management. [CDATA[ Former military will Facebook him about a new colleague whose Navy stories dont ring true. HAS A LONG LIST OF PHONIES, CLICK---->PHONIES. Forget about how much it hurts to hurl medicine balls and sprint across a sun-cooked field wearing a mini-parachute for wind resistance and a 20-pound weight vest just because. The fake mission is suddenly feeling alarmingly real. So it wouldnt end up with some Colombian drug lords. He also claimed he changed his name which is NOT true when I began questioning why his name wasnt listed in the SEAL Database. Not just that they are frauds, but to claim to be something that requires so much work to achieve is below scum. I just didnt realize mud would be involved. , who asked the guy if he had a S.E.A.L. These impostors disgust and revolt me. For $10 a month, you can surf channels such as Ask Don and Diane Shit and watch a slicker version of Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. The backdrop is no longer Shipleys living room. We have to lift a log onto our right shoulder, then down the left. But there was something fishy about the guy. DON'T BE STUPID AND CLAIM YOUR RECORDS HAVE BEEN PHONIES ARE EASILY IDENTIFIED. Finally, we line up in formation facing the lake. ``As kids filtered into class, they'd say, `You used to be a SEAL? Their echo quiets the pain, energizes me, and although I can barely gulp a breath by the end, I finally howl out the last push-up. I felt strange. BULLSHIT CONTEST, CLICK-->Contest. Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual Let me recap the ENDING OF THE SOUTHEAST ASIA WAR for the purpose of The accusers had been drawn to Fords belt, which they said looked too ornate for the uniform. occurred during April of 1975, will make claims to have been in Chuck Schantag of Skidmore, Mo., and his wife run a site that exposes POW imposters. Telling tall tales Some pretenders to glory spin wondrous yarns. All materials posted herein are protected by copyright law and the The rules are simple: We, the trainees, have to hide ourselves completely. "Sincerely, S.". Its no big secret where BUD/S is located and its no big secret what is taught there. Even if they were allowed, they say, it wouldnt do any good: Theyre all dead, KIA. Nolan, referring to the businessman and his colleagues, said, ``They better stay out of the United States because they didn't know who they were messing with,'' the agent testified. Our task is a long swim. The real BUD/S screening test requires, among many other terrible things, a minimum of 50 push-ups in these two minutes, a target I miss by multiples of multiples. The mud. 11. At that point, there were no books written about SEALs, there werent any movies. He was surprised when his first class included a middle-aged South African carpet maker. Verifying at least a dozen and often over 20 fraudulent SEAL claims each day, I put the number much, much higher than 300. He says the phonies caught on to his MO and hung up when they recognized his voice or caller ID. Do what you have to do, he capitulates, before one last dig: What color is it? Price: $125.00. 12/02/22 00:15:08. Sterner believes the law is weak, and enforcing it is not a high priority. have been received and posted below. In 1996, a mechanical explosion caused a massive fire on a merchant marine vessel near West Africa. At this point not a single word that comes from Robinsons mouth can be believed. ``Skip'' Moeller, 54, who drove the Chevrolet Cavalier with the Ohio plates, had been telling his war stories long enough, the old vet said. Thats it. On its ``Wall of Shame,'' CyberSEALs says Nolan claimed to be a member of Seal teams 2 and 6. The 47 range in age from 22 to 62. I deal with a lot of women who are terrified of these guys, he tells me. The next morning, people are up before sunrise, stretching and debating which breakfast items arent likely to resurface later. '', But he said he never told his students war stories, ``all that Rambo garbage.''. Its the be-all, end-all verification of a true SEAL. us track down phonies and name them to the fucking wall of shame. His database for commemorating heroes soon became one for exposing charlatans. 40+ years of service (he claims) and he wears 10 RED and not Gold Hash Marks as a Master Chief? as a phony) He was sentenced to 6 months in prison and made to repay 13 Weak and starving, the POW choked the dog with his bare hands, then ate the animal's flesh raw. But in 2012, the Supreme Court struck down the law, calling the lies protected free speech. BUD/S, UDTR, UDTB and UDTRA Training Classes have been numbered starting with Class ZERO that became the first Class to train in Coronado, California in 1950 but Class ONE graduated Training in 1947 at Little Creek. | Tags: army, Grenada, Operation Urgent Fury, purple heart, Protecting the Valor of those who have defended our freedom, Richard Elmer Johnson US Army, US Marine SNCO, Purple Heart, POW, Blog of Shame, Army/Air National Guard Posers & Embellish-ers, Theodore James Kosin US Army SGT, Purple Heart, DSM, Two Tours in Afghanistan, Blog of Shame, Leslie R. Coward U.S. Navy SEAL, U.S. Army CIB, Blog of Shame, Jose Carlos Montanez Navy Chief, U.S. Navy SEAL, BUD/S Class 176, Panama 1990, Blog of Shame, Thomas William Cole US Army SGT, Two Purple Hearts, Operation Urgent Fury, Blog of Shame. Former SEAL. I would also like to donate/volunteer my legal services or any type of service to you if you ever need anything in the New York City metropolitan area.Keep up the great work and thank you for your past service. Until we stop suddenly and I see it for the first time. He faces up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. The following year, Congress passed a watered-down Stolen Valor Act that made it illegal to fake certain credentials, but only if done for tangible benefit. It caters to young SEAL aspirants, macho fortysomethings, and, on this occasion, an unprepared and out-of-shape reporter. The dream is dead, Shipley remembers one telling him. 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Stolen Valor, it was called. Many of the tales he has told bespeak . Charles A. Moeller, USN-Ret.'' The FBI estimates that there are 300 SEAL Imposters for every living Navy SEALMilitary Imposters are NOT a new phenomenon, and men throughout history have claimed participation with Roman Legions in battle and claimed to have served with Washington at Valley Forge when they did not. Asked about his claims to be a retired Navy captain, he said, ``That was a long time ago.''. On the other hand, Im not the kid onshore wiping breakfast off his chin. ``I asked him how he got through the hellhole in Hanoi,'' Schantag said. In August, FBI agents arrested Nolan in Virginia Beach. Well, I could, but then I'd have to kill you." The Rook served in Korea with Plummer but Plummer was NEVER in UDT. The first team will use its new prisoner-handling skills to capture a high-value target. There was NO LISTING for a Neil Smit as ever being a Navy SEAL. Two years ago, Shipleys verification requests started coming in so fast that he began charging $20 a pop. He said he has read about men who make false claims of wartime heroism, some even posing as Medal of Honor recipients. But at 68, Lee still remembers clearly what happened in a steamy jungle in Vietnam in 1966. . Don Shipley retired after 24 years of honorable service as a SEAL Senior Chief in 2003. departed Vietnam Airspace Jurisdiction, MACV was officially disbanded), 7. Is it yellow? . Please. A lot of people use middle names as their first names to friends and acquaintances, my wife included, and we are always extremely careful to thoroughly check to see if there is a Robert Jimmy Crackcorn listed. '', (Lists men who claim to be current or former Navy SEALS), (Gives the names of those who claim to be former prisoners of war), (Identifies those who claim to have won the Medal of Honor). Shipley tells me hes never made that kind of novice mistake. Mine will plant a pretend bomb by SOA or friendly, identifiable who... 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